Thursday, December 17, 2009

More Info & Answers...

We've tried to email answers back to everyone about the Club changes, but thought it'd be good to do the same here. If you have a question you don't see here, please email us.

What if I want to keep just what I have? Fine, don't do anything. You can keep what you have as long as you want.

Why did some rates go up and some go down? We're trying to make sure each club gets the most value possible for the money....and us NOT lose money. Even though it's kind of a moving target with shipping & rising prices on our papers, we think we have it figured out. And, it's been 4 years since we started our first club, and this is the first price adjustment of any sort!

When will can we know what's in the Embellishment Add On kit? We will email out ALL club members at least 10 days BEFORE shipping of kits. And, there's only one kit each month, regardless of what club or clubs you're in...the add on kit is the same. And, you only have the chance to order it BEFORE your kit ships at the low, low price of $8.95. (if we overestimate one month, we may have some to sell later...but not at this low of price) Our goal for this is to show more of our products (inks soon to come, stamps, etc) and integrate more products from other that everyone can see how easily our stuff works with everything else out there. The add on kit will be used in the examples of projects in each club...if you buy it, you can copy exactly...but even if you don't purchase it, we want you to be able to look around your stash already & find things to use. Hope this makes sense...

Can I give a membership as a gift? Absolutely. Just let us know the details of who, for how long, etc, and we can take it from there!

Ok, had lots of questions on the discounts offered for joining more than one....because we used to only discount the second club by $2, now it's $10 off the first addition and $15 off the 3rd!! Let me see if this helps:

Join Kit Club $29.95 and add Sketch Club for $19.95

Same as above but add Card Club...yep, just add $4.95.

Have 3 kids for Kids Club? $19.95 plus $9.95 plus $4.95. Yep, discounts really apply. 4 kids? add another $4.95, not $19.95.

Sketch Club for you plus 1 kid? $29.95 plus $9.95. Makes it affordable for the kids to have something to look forward to each month!

Have a group of friends who crop together every month & want to do our Kit Club? As long as we can bill it together & ship all the kits together, all discounts apply....1st one full price, 2nd one at $10 off, all the rest at $15 off...once you hit a discount level, all additional kits stay there.

Ok, really hope all that helps. If not, we're ready for more questions. Don't forget... FREE RECIPE BOOK KITS for all membership sign ups thru this Sunday!!


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